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Mental health during the pandemic

Mental health during the period of covid 19
Despite the challenges we are all facing now due to COVID 19, we can still find purpose in our lives and be supportive of one another
When faced with a difficult situation, focus on what you can change, accept matters that are beyond your control and always strive to live by your values
Tips for positive health mental health during Covid 19 pandemic
DO, s
Positive thinking
Regular exercise
Balanced diet
Relaxation exercise
Regular daily routine
Socialization (online)
Taking a break from routine work life
Substance use
Eating too much fast food
Excessive online activity
Excessive watching of television
Partying, travelling
Focusing on the negative aspects of Covid 19 pandemic
Posting about Covid 19 on social media and spreading fake news
Believing fake news
Take charge of your mind and emotions during this pandemic