The final day of new peer educators training facilitated by NASCOP and opened by the county government,today’s training focused on reporting tools,contact form,HIV self test kits and tracking log
The ongoing sensitization of MSM community on COVID 19 screening,hand hygiene and cough etiquette demos,proper and consistent use of condoms (condom demonstration) and GBV and human rights issues.
Second day of training of maaygo peer educators and outreach workers on Infection, prevention and control in the context of covid 19.
The second day of health workers sensitisation on GBMSM,s access to health barriers and their rights at MAAYGO dice.
Third day of training of research assistants and program team in preparation for the roll out of HIV ST end line survey at Milimani dice.
Training of research assistants and MAAYGO program team in preparation for the roll out of HIV ST endline survey at Milimani dice.
Maaygo today sensitized its beneficiaries on Covid 19 prevention and control at the Railways Dice.
The second day of Kenya Red Cross partner review meeting capacity building for monitoring and evaluation officers held at Best Western Hotel Kisumu.
Continuous medical education (CME) conducted to health care workers
We were privileged to host the Bungoma County Focal person Mrs Rose Mutua,Nyarotso Joy from Bungoma Ampath ,and Dickson Juma from Ace Africa at the dice today for an exchange learning visit on key popul (1)
MAAYGO team, with support from Kisumu West SCASCO, held a successful sub county entry meeting
MAAYGO today was represented in the first day of the World AIDS day planning meeting
MAAYGO today conducted a joint organisational capacity assessment exercise speer headed by Kenya Red cross regional team (1)
MAAYGO today conducted a joint organisational capacity assessment exercise speer headed by Kenya Red cross regional (1)
MAAYGO management and clinic teams engaging the paralegals and outreach workers on a one-day orientation meeting. (1)
MAAYGO paralegals, outreach workers and peer educators engaged in a mental health sensitization session. (1)
MAAYGO team currently engaging health care workers from various health facilities in a sensitization session on early identification, management and referral pathways for Mental Health services (3) (1)
MAAYGO team currently conducting a 5-day training at Sossa cottages in Vihiga for site level crisis management team in vihiga county (1)
Family members sensitization session currently underway where family members of young key population are being sensitized on sexual orientation
maaygo privileged to host members from PHI academy for an exchange learning program
today maaygo had its biannual community dialogue with cultural leaders
day one of PrEP championships learning held at victoria comfort inn
maaygo carrying out a session in vihiga county to train young key population on comprehesive sexuality education